


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a provider?

Contact the Child & Family Early Help Programmes & traded Service and discuss the activity provision you can deliver. Once you have done so you will need to complete a provider application here: https://barnetyouth.uk/Barnet-Providers


I can provide an activity, but I do not have a venue? 

You can still apply for the Summer round of BACE Holidays, please contact us at BACEHolidays@barnet.gov.uk to let us know if you are struggling to secure a venue.

I can provide an activity, but I am not able to provide the food element of the project? 

You can still apply for the Summer round of BACE Holidays, please contact us at BACEHolidays@barnet.gov.uk to let us know that you will need support with the food provision, which we can sort inhouse.

I am a provider what can I apply for

For the Summer programme, providers are able to apply for the following:

  • Spot Buy Places – We can buy places in existing schemes/clubs and also for new places in new schemes/clubs targeting areas which have high levels of Free School Meals (FSM) children.
  • Full scope delivery – For Summer holiday events, short activities, innovative projects and initiatives lasting a minimum of 4 hours per day or more; targeting areas which have high levels of FSM children.
  • Part delivery – For a particular element of the project. i.e.: Preparation and Delivery of the Food (x1 healthy meal per child, per day) or delivery of a particular activity.

Are you a Holiday Activity/Scheme or Club that would like to get involved?

If you are a holiday activity/scheme or club and would like to be involved in delivering this programme or would like to partner with us, please email us at BACEHolidays@barnet.gov.uk 

What sort of activities are we looking for?

We are seeking to fund a diverse range of projects and enrichment activities which are attractive and engaging for all ages and abilities of school children and include nutritious food. Activities can be open to all children with priority given to those receiving benefits-related free school meals. Children who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals can pay to attend if there are sufficient spaces. Spaces for children who are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals will be made available at no cost to the family.

School holidays can be particular pressure points for some families because of increased costs (such as food and childcare) and reduced incomes. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap, with children from disadvantaged families:

  • less likely to access organised out-of-school activities
  • more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health
  • more likely to experience social isolation

Free holiday clubs are a response to this issue and evidence suggests that they can have a positive impact on children and young people and that they work best when they:

  • provide consistent and easily accessible enrichment activities
  • cover more than just breakfast or lunch
  • involve children (and parents) in food preparation

Full programme requirements

The aim of the programme is to make free places available to children eligible for free school meals for the equivalent of at least 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, 6 weeks a year. The HAF programme needs to cover 4 weeks in the summer and a week’s worth of provision in each of the Easter and Christmas holidays. We are not looking for one provider to cover all of this provision and understand it is likely to be a collective effort. It is also envisaged that we will be able to target more FSM families, age ranges and areas as well as diversify the content, if we divide the provision between various organisations.

One of the main requirements is to provide food and activities around food, if you are unable to facilitate this, we may have options to partner you with other organisations. We welcome applications from joint organisations, and we will look to partner organisations if we feel your applications could be stronger together and/or if in order to satisfy the HAF criteria, you need to collaborate with another organisation.

Organisations can therefore apply just to deliver the enrichment element of the programme, or the food element – but decisions on funding will therefore need to take into account of appropriate linking across different projects to ensure that there can be a coordinated approach to delivery for those children and families involved.

Organisations can also apply for only one or all of the holidays, for instance, schools may be interested in educational activities for just the Easter and other organisations may be set up for outdoor activities in Easter for the pilot areas and summer in other areas, and one group may like to focus on a Christmas 2021 project. You can also apply for different age ranges - the HAF provision needs to cater for all school aged children and activities need to be age appropriate. We are open to all suggestions and proposed plans that meet the HAF aims and objectives.

We are interested in proposals from providers who can deliver:

  1. Enriching activities: clubs must provide fun and enriching activities that provide children with opportunities to develop new skills or knowledge, to consolidate existing skills and knowledge, or to try out new experiences. This could include physical activities such as football, table tennis, cricket; creative activities such as putting on a play, junk modelling, drumming workshops; or experiences such as a nature walk, visiting a city farm etc.
  1. Food: clubs must provide at least one meal a day (breakfast, lunch or tea) and all food provided at the club (including snacks) must meet school food standards. The expectation is that the majority of food served by providers will be hot, however, we acknowledge that there will be occasions when this is not possible and that a cold alternative should be used. All food provided as part of the programme must comply with regulations on food preparation and take into account allergies and dietary requirements and preferences as well as any religious or cultural requirements for food.
  2. Physical activities: clubs must provide activities which meet the Physical Activity Guidelines on a daily basis.
  3. Nutritional education: clubs must include an element of nutritional education each day aimed at improving the knowledge and awareness of healthy eating for children. These do not need to be formal learning activities and could for example include activities such as getting children involved in food preparation and cooking, growing fruit and vegetables, and taste tests.
  4. Food education for families and carers: clubs must include at least weekly training and advice sessions for parents, carers or other family members which provide advice on how to source, prepare and cook nutritious and low-cost food.
  5. Signposting and referrals: clubs must be able to provide information, signposting or referrals to other services and support that would benefit the children who attend their provision and their families. This could include sessions, information provided by:
    • Citizen’s Advice
    • School Nurses, dentists or other healthcare practitioners
    • Children’s Services and other local authority services
    • Housing Support Officers
    • Jobcentre Plus
    • Organisations providing financial education

Policies and procedures

Clubs must be able to demonstrate and explain their safeguarding arrangements and have relevant and appropriate policies and procedures in place in relation to: 

ii. Health and Safety
iii. Insurance
iv. Accessibility and inclusiveness, including addressing equality and diversity
v. Where appropriate, clubs must also be compliant with the Ofsted requirements for working with children

What we delivered over the Easter holidays


During the Easter holidays we worked with community organisations and holiday activity providers to deliver an exciting and varied programme of events. Due to Covid most of the provision was online. We were able to deliver some activities in person for the most vulnerable young people. This included:

  • Variety of online zoom sessions, which children joined at home.
    • Musical Theatre
    • Martial Arts
    • Yoga
    • Arts and Crafts
    • Cook-a-longs
    • Empowerment Talks
    • Emotions and Understanding workshops
    • Planet Junko creations
    • Fitness
    • Dance
  • These activities were complimented with an activity pack which children and young people received all the resources and equipment they needed to take part in the online sessions.

We also delivered the following:


  • Outdoor sports such as football
  • Activities specifically for children with SEND, Yoga, Street Dance, playing board games
  • Provided meals for eligible children
  • Provided 1500 activity bags to children & young people
  • Advice on nutritional food via videos, live tutorials and sessions
  • Signposting parents to support networks
  • Created a BACE Holidays booklet with advice, guidance, fun activities and nutritional facts.

We received great feedback from children, young people, parents and carers and also from providers who delivered or took part BACE Holidays, for example: 

“My son attended skateboard senior sessions in Easter break. And he had thoroughly enjoyed it. He is interested to join in weekly skateboard sessions.”

“My daughter joined the zoom classes. I'm delighted by her yoga classes, dancing class, healthy eat and arts & crafts. It has given kids knowledge and met the activities aim. My daughter is really enjoying learning from the different activities. It has given her mind development from small age to learn yoga. It quite impressive. It is helping children a lot and they are enjoying it. I'm happy with teachers and everyone involved in helping the kids programme. Thank you for making it the very best. For children this kind activity gives them a learning ability platform. They not staying on the iPad or watching tv or playing game.”

What we want to deliver this summer

We are pleased to announce plans to deliver a 4-week Programme this summer, offering 16 hours of free enriched activity each week and a healthy nutritional meal. 

We have secured a number of venues across the venue to deliver a variety of activities inside and outside. These are mostly schools. The aim is to provide activities for young people for 4 hours a day, which would include the nutritious meal.

How do I qualify for funding?

This fund is open to the voluntary and community sector, schools and private providers who can meet the objectives of the programme. We are seeking to engage with a wide network of community-based organisations, including existing holiday care providers, schools, freelancers, sports coaches, creative and performing arts providers, nutrition and much more. A Healthy meal each day must also be provided, with a minimum of four hours of activity provision, for at least four days a week.

You will need to demonstrate an ability to deliver the following aims of the project:

  • To eat more healthily over the school holiday
  • To be more active during the school holiday
  • To take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development to support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider education attainment
  • To be safe
  • To have a greater knowledge of health nutrition and
  • To be more engaged with school and other local services

What are the dates and timings?

We need to provide the equivalent of at least 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, 6 weeks a year. The HAF programme needs to cover 4 weeks in the Summer and a week’s worth of provision in each of the Easter and Christmas holidays.

  • 1 week at Easter
  • 4 weeks in the summer
  • 1 week at Christmas

Who are the activities for?

Children and young people from 5-16 years old in the London borough of Barnet, who receive benefit-related Free School Meals will be eligible to take part in the activities.

What are BACE Holidays?

Barnet Active Creative Engaging (BACE) holidays are part of a national drive from the Department of Education (DFE). We know children and young people have been severely affected by the covid-19 lockdown and this has affected many families financially as well as the developmentally of children. The Holiday Activities programme is a chance to support families who are on reduced incomes that face increased costs with childcare and food pressure points during the school holiday period to keep children and young people engaged in the holidays, provide vulnerable children with nutritional meals and supporting them to be educationally stimulated so they are not left behind in the holidays and can catch up with the negative effects of lockdown.

The DfE is providing funding to every local authority to coordinate a programme that provides healthy food and enriching activities to children and young people who are in receipt of benefit-related free school meals during the 2021 Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays. Barnet Council is receiving up to £1.1 million from the DfE to support children who receive benefits related free school meals for the period 1 April to 31 December 2021. Barnet Council and Young Barnet Foundation are delivering this project in partnership working with local providers and venues.

For more information on the Holiday Activities and Food programme nationally, please see here and read about guidance on protective measures for out of school settings during the coronavirus pandemic here