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Welcome to Barnet Youth

All parents/carers will need to create a profile to sign up their child onto any of the projects below:

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze, Silver & Gold)
  • Positive Activities (Term Time)
  • Positive Activities (Holiday)
  • BACE Holiday Activities (Easter, Summer & Winter for children who are eligible for benfit realted Free School Meals)

By enrolling as a parent/carer you are giving consent to your young person taking part in the chosen activity.

Once you have create a profile you will need to verfiy your account by clicking a link sent to your email, please check your junk mail.


Some projects/activities are free of charge, subject to meeting criteria. Please check out each activity description for more detail. We have limited places and operate waiting lists.

You will need this information to register

Parent details

Add contact details for the parent or guardian using the account to book children's activities.

1 minute to fill

First child details

Enter details of the first child you want to book for. You can add further children after registration. 

If you have more than one child you will be able to add the details of your other children after. 

5 minutes to fill

Terms & Conditions

Review and agree to consents and terms and conditions for our activities.

3 minutes to fill