

Story Telling Through Collage

Arts & Crafts

Mon, 25 Jul 2022, 11:00 - 13:00

Tue, 26 Jul 2022, 11:00 - 13:00

Years From
7   To   11

Canada Villa Young People’s Activity Centre

Canada Villa Youth Centre

Pursley Road


Multi-day event
Face to Face


Collage dates from as far back as 200BC, since the invention of paper. In this 2-day workshop, paper of various colours and types will be used - with an array of other materials and bits and bobs - to create a series of works that tell a story. Your own materials are welcome; loads more will be provided. But most importantly, bring your imagination and let your creative spirit tag along.

Like the sound of this course? What to do next?
Every young person MUST go through the process below to access the course.
1. Press the 'Login or Register To book' button on the course page and complete and submit a booking.
2. If your application has been successful you will receive an email confirming your child's place..
3. Turn up to your chosen course and have FUN!

Don’t forget to spread the word to other young people within Barnet! Watch this space for new and exciting courses that will be advertised on the Barnet Youth website!

Please note: All courses are subject to change or cancellation at the discretion of the Barnet Children's Service.

Lastly please note parents and carers will not be able to wait on site. There will be a drop off and collect point only. If you would like certain children to be grouped in the same bubble due to them being friends or due to travel arrangements, please can both parents/carers let us know via email byes@barnet.gov.uk

Just a reminder that your child can bring their own materials paper, pencils, colouring pens, and any drawing materials that they would like to use, but we will also provide all the required materials and resources for this workshop.
If you have any questions, take a look at our FAQ's page here Click Here- you may find the answer you are looking for!


Figuration Co.
Bookings unavailable for this activity The activity is currently full