

2023 February Half Term

Places are fully funded and are for all young people who live in or attend school in the Borough of Barnet. Please note, you must register and apply online for all activities, courses and workshops. If your application has been successful, you will receive an email confirming your child's place.

This February Half Term the Positive Activities Team will be celebrating the Lunar New Year, marking Valentine’s Day and also delivering sessions that highlight Children’s Mental Health Awareness. 

Lastly certain activities we are offering have an automatic approval process once we receive an application it is approved straight away, until the course capacity is reached. Once that happens, we will be offering a waiting list place, you receive an email saying your application has been received and is now on the waiting list.
Other courses have a very limited course capacity and not everyone that applies will get a place on them unfortunately. Certain activities will need to be reviewed  once all application have been received before places can be allocated manually. So you will receive an email saying your application has been received and is pending or awaiting approval.
Please wait until you receive an email confirming your application has been successful and your child has been accepted and received a place on ant activity before planning to attend.

If you have any queries, questions or need something clarified please email the Positive Activities byes@barnet.gov.uk 

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