

2024 Positive Activities Winter Term-Time

Winter term-time is back with a bang! There are a host of activities on offer - book now to aviod disappiontment.

Places are fully funded and are for all young people who live in or attend school in the Borough of Barnet. Please note, you must register and apply online for all activities, courses and workshops. 

Some activities have limited course capacity and can be over subscribed such as Horse experience days, Water Sports, Web & App Design, Chickenshed Theatre - for these courses you will not recieve a automatic approved place. You will receive an email saying your request is pending or incomplete. Once the team have shortlisted places, you will recieve a email comfirming either a confirmed place or unsuccesful place. Please do not attend unless you have an approved / confirmed place via email.

If you have any queries, questions or need something clarified please email the Positive Activities team at byes@barnet.gov.uk  

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